We are happy to offer Pantry TakeOver services in house at Thrive Chiropractic Wellness Center. A variety of services are offered. For more information or to schedule a Pantry TakeOver service please call Thrive Chiropractic Wellness Center at 678-266-3300.

The average American pantry is harmful to your health!
Most Pantries and Refrigerators are filled with:
• Highly processed grains
• Refined sugars
• Food Colorings
• Additives
• Preservatives
• Artificial Flavors and Sweeteners
• Meat from animals treated inhumanely
These items are contributing to more and more health problems in us and in our children.
It is time to takeover our pantries and take control of what we decide to buy, store and eat.
What is a Pantry TakeOver? A Pantry TakeOver™ starts with education and awareness of what is harmful and what is “truly” healthy. Just because something is organic, low fat, zero calories, sugar free or gluten free does not mean that it is healthy. Look at the boxes and boxes of quick meals and snacks you have stacked in your pantry, we have become drawn to food that is quick, easy and requiring minimal thought.
If “you are what you eat”, then a majority of Americans should be scared. It is time to start thinking about your food again and become conscience of what you are buying, cooking and eating.
Many people are overwhelmed with learning about healthy versus non healthy food choices and put faith in the FDA to ensure that our food products are safe and beneficial to consume. However, with all the controversy regarding genetically modified foods and organisms (GMOs), hormones and antibiotics in meat products, potential dangers of artificial sweeteners, and most recently beef washed in ammonia (a/k/a “pink slime”), it is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore what is going on with our food supply. Many Americans are confused with all the information and misinformation regarding what is safe to consume and what is harmful. We are being bombarded with contradicting information everyday.
With over 17 yrs of studying and researching health foods, and the numerous problems with our food industry, Janell Sycks (owner of Pantry TakeOver) has a wealth of knowledge to share and help you become healthier! Eating healthy can be easy to integrate into your daily life. It all starts with learning the best food options to put in your pantry. Let Janell help give you the tools and education needed to takeover your pantry and begin to eat cleaner, live greener and become healthier.
Takeover your pantry, your health is depending on it!
Most Pantries and Refrigerators are filled with:
• Highly processed grains
• Refined sugars
• Food Colorings
• Additives
• Preservatives
• Artificial Flavors and Sweeteners
• Meat from animals treated inhumanely
These items are contributing to more and more health problems in us and in our children.
It is time to takeover our pantries and take control of what we decide to buy, store and eat.
What is a Pantry TakeOver? A Pantry TakeOver™ starts with education and awareness of what is harmful and what is “truly” healthy. Just because something is organic, low fat, zero calories, sugar free or gluten free does not mean that it is healthy. Look at the boxes and boxes of quick meals and snacks you have stacked in your pantry, we have become drawn to food that is quick, easy and requiring minimal thought.
If “you are what you eat”, then a majority of Americans should be scared. It is time to start thinking about your food again and become conscience of what you are buying, cooking and eating.
Many people are overwhelmed with learning about healthy versus non healthy food choices and put faith in the FDA to ensure that our food products are safe and beneficial to consume. However, with all the controversy regarding genetically modified foods and organisms (GMOs), hormones and antibiotics in meat products, potential dangers of artificial sweeteners, and most recently beef washed in ammonia (a/k/a “pink slime”), it is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore what is going on with our food supply. Many Americans are confused with all the information and misinformation regarding what is safe to consume and what is harmful. We are being bombarded with contradicting information everyday.
With over 17 yrs of studying and researching health foods, and the numerous problems with our food industry, Janell Sycks (owner of Pantry TakeOver) has a wealth of knowledge to share and help you become healthier! Eating healthy can be easy to integrate into your daily life. It all starts with learning the best food options to put in your pantry. Let Janell help give you the tools and education needed to takeover your pantry and begin to eat cleaner, live greener and become healthier.
Takeover your pantry, your health is depending on it!